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Lift Where You Stand

I had an amazing experience this last weekend that taught me a lot about serving others. My husband and I had been out doing an errand and just returned home to meet someone, when we saw an ambulance at our neighbor’s house. Our friends were waiting for us in our driveway, so I sent my husband over to check on the neighbors. After taking care of our friends, and my husband returned, he told me that the lady who lived there had fallen and most likely fractured her ankle. My husband and I had appointments and assignments we were responsible for all day, so I really didn’t know what I could do to help our neighbor. Then I thought, I should let some other neighbors know of the situation, so we could all keep track of her. One of them, I knew, was a close friend. I sent them a quick text, letting them know of the situation so we could all be aware and let each other know what is going on. Well, that night I got a text from the good friend saying, “So, I’ve been with Connie (name changed) since you texted me. She has fractured her leg right above the ankle and has a severe sprain as well. This is her good foot, so it is making it very difficult for her to move around. We brought her home and borrowed a wheelchair from another neighbor. It was so kind of them to let her borrow that.”

My thoughts were of how kind this woman and her husband were to drop everything and rush to the hospital to be with Connie. It again verified to me that sometimes we just need to go. When I had the opportunity to visit with Connie the next day, she told me how grateful she was to this good friend for being with her when she was alone. Connie also mentioned that this friend had brought over a lot of freezer meals. There was enough food to last her a couple of weeks. I was inspired and touched by the generosity of this woman.

I had the chance to talk to her again and thanked her for her kind-heartedness. She told me that she had found another friend whose husband was a nurse, and they were planning on helping Connie get to her next doctor's appointment. She told me, “There are lots of things I can’t do, but when I find something I can do, I go and serve. I lift where I stand.”

I loved that thought of lifting where you stand. I don’t love cooking and it stresses me out to think of preparing a meal for someone else, but I can babysit for someone, help them do their dishes or just send a text. Sometimes we can’t do what is needed, but like this woman in the story, we can help find someone who can do the required work. We all have something we can share or do for someone else. We can use our talents and resources to bless the lives of others. “Lift where you stand.” Let’s Serve.

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