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Blueberry Muffins

I wanted to tell a little story that touched my life many years ago. It is a story that my friend shared with me, that reminds me why we need to serve. Whenever I think of service as a burden, this story puts my mind back into perspective and pushes me to do what is required.

One day, my friend was driving into town to do her grocery shopping, which was a big deal because the closest grocery store was over an hour away. She started on her way, when she passed by a man’s house who had lost his wife in the last few months. She had the thought, “I should make him some blueberry muffins.” She kept driving, thinking she would do it tomorrow. When she got a few more miles down the road the thought came to her, “You should make the blueberry muffins now.” Still not sold on the idea, she kept driving while debating the idea in her mind. Within a few minutes the thought came again, “You need to make the blueberry muffins now.” So, she turned the car around, went home and made the blueberry muffins. When she reached the man’s house, he answered the door. After seeing what she had to offer and with tears in his eyes he said, “How did you know to bring me blueberry muffins? It’s my birthday and my wife always made me blueberry muffins on my birthday. This was the first year that she isn’t around to make them for me.”

My friend didn’t have any idea that it was this man’s birthday or that he always received blueberry muffins for his birthday. My friend couldn’t finish her shopping that day, but what she accomplished was much more important.

Three things I learned from this story:

  1. God loves each of us and uses us to bless the lives of others.

  2. If we have a good thought, then we should act on it. The thought may or may not be inspiration from heaven, but it can never hurt to act on a good thought.

  3. Sometimes we need to drop what we are doing at the moment and go serve. We tend to push off good deeds to a future date because we are too busy. Most things can wait for a day or two, but people may need you now. We don’t always get inspiration when it is the most convenient.

I am grateful my friend shared this story with me. It has helped me over the years, especially when serving hasn’t always been the easiest. May we all drop what we are doing and let’s serve!

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