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15 Good Deeds Children can do This November

1. Tell someone different everyday that you are grateful they are in your life.

2. Help someone in need today.

3. Make paper leaves and write messages of gratitude on them to give to family members.

4. Get to know someone new at school.

5. Write gratitude letters to friends, teachers, coaches, the bus driver, etc.

6. Smile at everyone you see today.

7. Be a good listener for a friend today.

8. Get to know a veteran and thank them for their service to the country.

9. Bake something special for your family to show your love for them.

10. Call a grandparent or a cousin to say hi.

11. Be extra kind and thoughtful to those around you today.

12. Spend quality time with siblings. Bake, play a game, do a puzzle together, etc.

13. Share ten things you're grateful for this year with your family members at the dinner table.

14. Organize a Penny Drive or Jump-rope-a-thon at school & donate money to local charity.

15. Collect canned food to donate to a food pantry.

Let's Serve!

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